
uncluttering feels good!

in the bootcamp class i am participating in for creative businesses, i began and completed 2 classes: "the 3-step clutter-free formula" and "taking back your space."  both were much needed classes.  cleaning, uncluttering, and organizing my studio.  mayi (our instructor extraordinaire) had such great suggestions and guidance.  and without further ado...

the befores:
lots of paint that took up LOTS of space under my work table.
i bought the metal shelf (white one in pick) and was able to stack & reduce the
space all the cans took up.

ok, lots of stuff packed under there with no particular 'rhyme or reason.'
not a pretty site, is it?

and the afters: 
moved in a bookshelf to organize my fabric 'collection'
for all my sewing projects

the paint is now condensed into one corner of my table.

sorry about the lighting on this one... but can you see that i purchased two large
plastic bins (with wheels) and got rid of a lot of 'crap' that had accumulated?!

i still need to find the proper screws for attaching my clear plastic container for the pretty folders i purchased (at hobby lobby) to keep my paperwork a little more organized. 

aren't these files cute? and the clear plastic container lets their beauty show. 

it is amazing how much more room i have now.  and how much more relaxing it is when i come into the studio without all the mess laying around. 

finished updated, reorganized, cleaned studio.
that feels so much better!

ahhhhh, this is nice.  let me just say that this is needed in the rest of my house as well.  but that will have to wait until another week.  maybe spring cleaning 2012? 

are you an organized person? what makes you feel good in your 'space'? 

~ julie

ps.  the new martha stewart line of organizational items at staples is lovely.  just sayin'.


  1. Hmmmmm.....want to come do my house? I love that unfinished quilt on the chair in the last photo!!!!

    1. sure... i will help with your house if i get to see all your secret projects going on! and the unfinished quilt on the chair is actually 4 circles which my lovely lady made for me when i got married. i can't find the quilt, but she also gave me these extra pieces... i found them about them when uncluttering & realized that they are all hand pieced! amazing. now to find the quilt!

  2. I love to declutter and organize. I try to stay that way but I mess up and have to re-do it from time to time. If I don't stay organized I tend to forget where I've put things away and then can't find them..........frustating at times. Your space looks so wonderful! Good job!

    1. thanks, connie! now, if only i had this going on everywhere in my house! haha. maybe eventually.
